An absolute dream it was to work with this amazing duo, and to help them bring together all their lovely details as we planned their wedding from across time zones! Mona and Mazi were living in England during the entire wedding planning process, so it was my goal to...
Andrea & Matt are two of the sweetest people you could ever meet! These two never stopped smiling and laughing throughout their entire day. Not only was their wedding surrounded in love, but also by a special winter wonderland. They could not have chosen a more...
I truly love what I do and feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve so many awesome brides and grooms throughout the year. I feel even more blessed when I get to coordinate and plan a wedding for dear friends, in this case, it was the wedding for Laura &...
This couple always made me smile! Combining Jennifer & Ilyas’ fun-loving natures, with their extremely talented, organized, smart capabilities, made them truly are a dynamic pair. Jennifer & Ilyas were a true blast to work with and it was a pleasure to...