Melissa & Corey made us smile from the get-go! They wanted a wedding that stayed true to their Jewish roots that brought together everyone they love. The day began with gorgeous photos of bridal party and family, followed by the traditional Ketubah signing...
Capturing the dress is a key detail shot that every bride wants. The one detail that can make or break this beautiful photograph is the hanger. Our favorite hangers are always the ones that have the brides new last name incorporated. Some brides even take this a step...
Kelly and Darren selected the Richard Nixon Library for their perfect venue. We could not think of a better location than the Rose Garden for this pretty in pink wedding. Kelly chose to take the traditional route of a white bouquet to compliment her gorgeous white...
Ashley is excited to announce that Grady Edward was born on April 13th, 2013. He is a beautiful baby boy and so much fun! Enjoy a few newborn photos by Photojenic!
For Jessica & Josh’s Wedding, they chose to stay true to their roots and create a traditional Orthodox Jewish Wedding. Such a fun day for this pair! Before the ceremony, Josh was led by Skye Michael’s Band for the unveiling of his bride. It was such a...